Summary Reports:
Every MISG industry partner receives a brief summary report immediately following the MISG workshop. These reports capture the essence of (usually in layman’s terms) what was achieved during the workshop and summarize the (often ongoing) work that will be discussed in full technical detail in the final report.
The summary reports for the 2013 industry projects can be viewed by clicking on the following links:
- Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Australian Institute of Marine Science
- Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited
- The Kirby Institute
- Plant Protection Chemistry NZ Ltd.
- Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads
Technical Reports:
In addition to the summary report, every MISG partner receives a full technical report, detailing the rigorous mathematical, statistical and scientific methodologies and outcomes that were applied to the project. Often these reports are accompanied by computer codes that were written as part of the project and which can be used by the industry partner to reproduce and extend the outcomes in the full report to meet their business needs.