
The benefits

The mathematical sciences are a critical enabling discipline that reach across science, technology, engineering, social science and business. Access to knowledge in the mathematical sciences is an important component for success in the development of the quantitative technologies and ideas that lie at the heart of many industries. The MISG workshop provides a structure for your business to access to such knowledge. MISG researchers can:

  • assist in the development of new technologies,
  • add competitive value to existing technologies,
  • provide the tools to analyse your current data,
  • underpin service industries,
  • provide the expertise to monitor, predict and solve the quantitative technical challenges that face your business.

At the MISG workshop, your business will have access to a set of high calibre professionals, tools and technologies that will improve your capacity and capability in problem solving and decision making.

The process

Every year, companies are invited to submit projects to the MISG. After a period of consultation between the companies involved and the MISG, 4 to 6 appropriate problems are selected from a range of different industries to be presented at the workshop.

In the months prior to the MISG workshop, selected company’s representatives liaise with the MISG organising team to define and clarify the scope and nature of each project. Subsequently, each project is assigned 2 appropriately qualified academic moderators. Together, the industry representatives and the academic moderators present the problem to the MISG workshop participants who, over the course of the week, work in teams to develop solutions for each problem, and present solutions tailored to the needs of the companies. The nature of the solution will vary from project to project, depending upon the type and complexity of the project, and may take a range of forms such as a set of model equations, data from experiments or numerical simulations and associated software.


Where possible within the time-frame provided, MISG may be able to develop a complete solution to a problem. In some instances, due to the complexity of the problem, it may be necessary for MISG to suggest a procedure or system which allows the company to develop solutions at a later date.

Participating companies will have the opportunity to consult further with MISG researchers following the workshop. A number of follow-up programs are available to our industry partners. These afford your business the opportunity to develop deeper ties with the academics and researchers that worked on your technical problem during the workshop and present an avenue for solving longer term, highly complex technical problems.

Please contact the MISG Director to discuss the full range follow-up options available to your business.

Fees & requirements

Participating companies must provide at least one representative to attend the MISG Workshop to assist in the presentation of their problem and the subsequent solution process.

Additionally, to present a project to the MISG Workshop, participating companies are required to pay a registration fee of $10,000 (plus GST).

The fee covers all work before and during the workshop, associated costs of the event, provision of a non-technical written summary of the MISG outcomes for your problem and a complete technical report.

Morning and afternoon teas are provided each day for industry representatives.

The fee does not cover the travel or accommodation expenses for company or industry representatives who attend the workshop.

MISG research participants volunteer their expertise free of charge.

Where to next?

MISG runs annually so please contact the MISG Director if you would like more information on how to participate.